Adventures of Sonic.exe

I love playing Sonic games, especially the classics on the Sega Genesis. But my favorite thing about Sonic was the cartoon "Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog."
One day I decided to play a Sonic game online since I was tired of the ones I already had. I wondered what games the fans created would be like. So I went online and downloaded a game.
The zone was called "Promotion Act 1". It started on a jungle-like zone and I wasn't playing as Sonic at all, I was playing as a robot; Coconuts the Monkey! His sprite looked very similar to the one in Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine. He could jump, walk, and throw coconuts. I couldn't believe it, I was playing as one of the Badniks! This was great!
As I walked around the place was getting darker and my rings were disappeared though it made a sound as if I was collecting them. Coconuts' light bulb started glowing which I thought was a nice touch. Suddenly I couldn't see anything but the head light. Then something flashed and I heard a screech that sounded like a monkey in pain and I could swear I saw Sonic.
I got back to the title screen I saw Coconuts, his eyes were black and dripping with oil and his light was broken. I could swear he was rusted.
Next the screen brought me to a zone called "Pingas Act 2". I saw Grounder this time! I was a little afraid to play more because of what happened to Coconuts, but the music sounded happy, so I forgot about it. Grounder couldn't jump, but he could use a drill attack and move. When I held the spindash button down, Grounder didn't do a spindash, but he did make that noise and went faster.
Suddenly the level began to flood. I began to hear drowning music, but I couldn't get out in time. Grounder drowned and then I saw Sonic again, but I blinked and he was gone.
After that was over I saw Grounder on the title screen, his eyes were droopy and he had a blank expression. His nose was gone and was leaking oil and his antennae was drooping down. I was so scared. What do I do now. I didn't press start but the game immediately brought me to a new zone. It was called "Please No Act 3". I saw Scratch and this time, I noticed he looked worried. Does he know what happened to his Badnik Buddies? Scratch could run, peck, and jump.
I walked down a long hallway. The music was creepy unlike Grounder and Coconuts' levels and I saw blood on the walls. I wanted to quit so badly, but I was too curious. Soon I made Scratch walk up some stairs. Then I saw Sonic with black and red eyes chasing Scratch! I made Scratch climb higher, but eventually Sonic caught up!
I saw Scratch with, appropriately enough, scratches all over his body and he was actually crying. When the screen cut to black I heard 3 voices say "Sorry, Boss" in unison.
Then I saw red text. "You'll never save your boss now!" Then it hit me. The 3 robots were unloved by their boss because they were failures, but ever since Robotnik disappeared in Sonic.exe, they came looking for him to save him, but they couldn't.
Then I saw Scratch, Grounder, and Coconuts plushies on my bed, they weren't mutilated or anything. I promised I would care of them.